Sunday, August 25, 2019

Repeated Respiratory Symptoms Dr Kondekars rule to understand the reason for need for bronchodilator

Repeated Respiratory Symptoms
Dr Kondekars rule to understand the reason for need for bronchodilator
1. Rapid breathing with closed mouth, noisy sounds. The problem is likely with airways.
2. Rapid breathing with open mouth and above sounds disappear with this,  the problem is likely to be above throat. Nasal suction or nasal spray cleaning recommended.
3.if the child  starts coughing during test 2,  its likely that child has airway narrowing.
4. Those kids who can do rapid counting, child takes a breath break before 20 count [single breath count]  or cannot count more than hundred over one minute [one minute count] is likely to have airway spasm

3 and 4 are likely to have bonchospasm and so will benefit with bronchodilator syrup or nebulisation.

All other cases,  other strategies like nasal suction/spray,  antihistaminic,  decongestants or suppressant and may need bronchodilators when 3, 4 is positive which may follow at times if nose ia not taken care off.

For children <3 < 3 yr old or who cannot follow above instructions; the child being small will need a detailed examination to look for life threatning issues like pneumonia,  reflux,  growth failure, anemia,   chronic adenoditis or chronic hidden renal or cardiac issue  or immunity compromise including malnutrition.

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